De RechtenSite.Be. The legal starting portal of Belgium with all the information and addresses you need.
Need legal advice from:
- An expert lawyer near you. Find information and addresses here.
- A nice and reliable notary. Rates and contact information.
- A tax specialist for your tax return and accounting.
- A legal professional for quick and affordable legal advice. Websites and locations.
Law Studies and information for law students.
But also a lot of information for law students for their law studies. Subjects, books, summaries, exams, study tips, vacancies for part-time jobs and internships, and much more.
Legal Sources
Locations Legal texts, jurisprudence, news, studies, articles, current developments, and study materials.
Need for legal assistance?
Need legal advice? You will find all relevant addresses on our website. More than a thousand references and information to expert specialists.